Chaplin Library

Charlie Chaplin French Books - 1

Charlie Chaplin French Library One
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Chaplin French Book reference created by Dominique Dugros and
This is page
ONE of the French Library Section: A - N

All information on the books listed are for the books pictured. Some of the links are for books able at Amazon. We placed links for books at other websites too. Pictured books may not match the bookcovers or available on the links. We will update the pages as new books arrive.
HB - Hardback PB - Paperback
Charlie Chaplin Eric Rohmer
FRENCH - 1972
Charlie Chaplin
By André Bazin & Eric Rohmer
Editions du Cerf 7° Art 1972
Paperback Edition
123 Pages - No Illustrations

André Bazin Eric Rohmer FRENCH - 1985
Charlie Chaplin
By André Bazin & Eric Rohmer
Ramsay Poche Cinéma 1985
Paperback Edition
122 Pages - No Illustrations

André Bazin
FRENCH - 2000
Charlie Chaplin
By André Bazin
Petite Bibliothèque des Cahiers du Cinéma 2000
Paperback Edition
122 Pages - No Illustrations

Françoise Besson
FRENCH - 2003
Le Lieu Nomade Dans Le Cinema De Charlie Chaplin
By Françoise Besson
Pyrégraph 2003
Paperback Edition
190 Pages - No Illustrations

Maurice Bessy et Robert Florey FRENCH - 1952
Monsieur Chaplin ou le Rire dans la Nuit
By Maurice Bessy et Robert Florey
Jacques Damase 1952
Paperback Edition
228 Pages - Illustrated

Robert Florey
FRENCH - 1972
Charles Chaplin
By Maurice Bessy et Robin Livio
Denoel Collection Etoiles 1972
Paperback Edition
237 Pages - Illustrated

Maurice Bessy
Maurice Bessy
FRENCH - 1983
Charlie Chaplin
By Maurice Bessy
Pygmalion 1983
Hardback Edition without Jacket
438 Pages - Illustrated

Loaded with photos. Photos are a bit contrasty, over all, but if you are interested in photos on Chaplin and the people he worked with, this one is filled with them. This book comes in English and French editions. Link is to the English Edition.

Maurice Bessy
Sam Stourdze
FRENCH - 2005
Chaplin et Les Images
By Patrice Blouin, Christian Delage et Sam Stourdze
NBC Editions 2005
Hardback Edition Without Jacket
240 Pages - Illustrated

Francis Bordat FRENCH - 1998
Chaplin Cinéaste
By Francis Bordat
Le Cerf 1998
Paperback Edition

348 Pages - Illustrated

For our French and English-French readers an excellent addition to your collection.

Francis Bordat
Edouard Brasey FRENCH - 1989
Charles Chaplin
By Edouard Brasey
Solar 1989
Hardback Edition without Jacket
176 Pages - Illustrated

Freddy Buadue FRENCH - 1992
Un Dimanche avec Chaplin
By Freddy Buache
Skira 1992
Hardback Edition without Jacket
56 Pages - Illustrated

For young readers.


FRENCH - 1984
By Alberto Cabado
Edito Service 1984
Les Grandes Biographies en Bande Dessinée
Paperback Edition
79 Pages - Illustrated

French edition of a Mexican comics about Chaplin's life. Text by Cabado.

Mes Voyages FRENCH - 1928
Mes Voyages
By Charles Chaplin
Simon Kra 1928
Paperback Edition
233 Pages - Illustrated

French edition of 'My Trip Abroad'

Mes Voyages
Historie de ma Vie Charles Chaplin FRENCH - 1964
Histoire De Ma Vie
By Charles Chaplin
Éditions Robert Laffont (Publisher) 1964
Paperback Edition
495 pages - Illustrated

1964 French paperback edition of 'My Autobiography'

Historie de ma vie Charles Chaplin FRENCH - 1966
Histoire De Ma Vie
By Charles Chaplin
Livre de Poche N°2000 - 1966
Paperback Edition
697 Pages - No Illustrations

1966 French paperback edition of 'My Autobiography'

Historie de Mon Enfance Charles Chaplin FRENCH - 1973
Histoire de Mon Enfance
By Charles Chaplin
Éditions Robert Laffont 1973
Paperback Edition
222 Pages - No Illustrations

French edition of 'My Early Years'

Historire de ma Vie FRENCH - 1981
Histoire De Ma Vie
By Charles Chaplin
Éditions Robert Laffont (Publisher) 1981
Paperback Edition
495 pages - No Illustrations

Historie de ma vie - French Edition FRENCH - 2002
Histoire De Ma Vie
By Charles Chaplin
Éditions Robert Laffont - 2002
Paperback Edition
494 pages - No Illustrations

Charlie Chaplin Historie de ma vie
Charlie Chaplin Mon Pere FRENCH - 1961
Charlie Chaplin, Mon Père
By Charles Chaplin Jr.
Gallimard 1961
Paperback Edition
307 Pages - No Illustrations

French edition of 'My Father Charlie Chaplin.' Link to used edition.

Charlie Chaplin Historie de ma vie
Michel Chion FRENCH - 1989
Les Lumières de la Ville
By Michel Chion
Nathan 1989
Paperback Edition
111 Pages - Illustrated

Mort de Charlot Albert Cohen FRENCH - 2003
Mort de Charlot
By Albert Cohen
Les Belles Lettres 2003
Paperback Edition
75 Pages - No Illustrations

Mort de Charlot
Michel Comet Un Album Photo FRENCH - 2002
Charlie Chaplin
Un Album Photo
By Michel Comte
Steidl 2002

Hardback Edition with Jacket
360 Pages - Illustrated

Peter Cotes et Thelma Niclaus FRENCH - 1951
By Peter Cotes et Thelma Niclaus
Nouvelles Editions de Paris 1951

Paperback Edition
256 Pages - Illustrated

Monsieur Chaplin FRENCH - 1992
Monsieur Chaplin
By René Creux
Edition de Fontainemore 1992

Hardback Edition with Jacket
382 Pages - Illustrated

Christian Delage FRENCH - 1998
Chaplin La Grande Histoire
By Christian Delage
Editions Jean-Michel Place 1998
Paperback Edition
140 Pages - Illustrated

Entirely dedicated to 'The Great Dictator'

Christian Delage
Charlot FRENCH - 1921
By Louis Delluc
Maurice de Brunhoff 1921
Paperback Edition
104 Pages - Illustrated

The very first serious book about Chaplin.

FRENCH - 1975
By Louis Delluc
Les Introuvables 1975
Paperback Edition
104 Pages - No Illustrations

Facsimile printing of the 1921 edition.

Michel Duino FRENCH - 1955
Charlot Roi de L'Ecran
By Michel Duino
Marabout 1955
Paperback Edition
155 Pages - No Illustrations

115 pages dedicated to Charlie.

Michel Duino
Charlot Roi de L'Cran FRENCH - 1997
Charlie Chaplin
By Sergueï Eisenstein
Circé 1997
Hardback Edition without Jacket
95 Pages - No Illustrations

Link to paperback edition.

Sergueï Eisenstein
Portrait Inedit d'um poete vagabond FRENCH - 1994
Charlie Chaplin
Portrait inédit d'un poète
By Jerry Epstein
Gremese 1994
Hardback Edition without Jacket
219 Pages - Illustrated

FRENCH - 1995
Charlot, Le Depaysé Invariable
By Anne-Marie Faux
Cinémathèque Française, Musée du Cinéma 1995
Paperback Edition
60 Pages - Illustrated

Robert Florey FRENCH - 1927
Charlie Chaplin
By Robert Florey
Publications Jean-Pascal 1927
Paperback Edition
64 Pages - Illustrated

Jose Augusto Franca FRENCH - 1954
Charlie Chaplin
By Jose-Augusto França
Inquirito 1954
Paperback Edition
270 Pages - No Illustrations

FRENCH - 1953
By Roger Grenier
Gallimard/L'Air du Temps 1953
Paperback Edition
293 Pages - Illustrated

A novelisation of the movie "LIMELIGHT"

Limelight by Grenier
FRENCH - 1954
Charlie Chaplin
By Theodore Huff
Gallimard 1954
Paperback Edition
310 Pages - Illustrated

Charlie Charlot Michelle Humbert Nathalie Novi FRENCH - 2002 (Young Readers)
Charlie Charlot
By Michelle Humbert et Nathalie Novi
Desclée de Brouwer 2002
Paperback Edition
22 Pages - Illustrated with Drawings

Michelle Humbert Nathalie Novi
FRENCH - 1983
Saint Charlot et Mister Charles
By Claude Jean-Philippe et Patrick Lesueur
Dargaud 1983
Hardback Edition without Jacket
60 Pages - Illustrated

Comics relating Chaplin's life.

Saint Charlot et Mister Charles
Claude Jean-Philippe FRENCH - 1987
Le Roman de Charlot
By Claude Jean-Philippe
Fayard 1987
Paperback Edition
401 Pages - No Illustrations

Claude Jean-Philippe
Stuart Kaminsky FRENCH - 2002
Il est Minuit Charlie Chaplin
By Stuart Kaminsky
Rivages Noir 2002
Paperback Edition
256 Pages - No Illustrations

Il est Minuit Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin de vie en vie FRENCH EDITION - 2004 (Young Readers)
Charlie Chaplin
Collection de vie en vie Edition
By Brigitte Labbé et Michel Puech
Milan Jeunesse 2004
Paperback Edition - For Younger Age Group
64 Pages - Illustrated

Le Discours Du Dictateur FRENCH/ENGLISH - 1998
Le Discours Du Dictateur
Foreword by Gérard Lefort
Editions L'Ecart 1998
Hardback Edition without Jacket
68 Pages - Illustrated with Abstract Drawings

Bilingual edition of the final speech of "The Great Dictator"

Philippe Lemoine FRENCH - 1978
Charlie Chaplin Story
Ou Charlot L'Immortel
By Philippe Lemoine
Rock Collection n°3 Alain Mathieu 1978
Paperback Edition
128 Pages - Illustrated

Pierre Leprohon FRENCH - 1935
Charlot ou la Naissance d'un Mythe
By Pierre Leprohon
Corymbe 1935
Paperback Edition
259 Pages - Illustrated

Below see 1988 reprint of this first edition.

Pierre Leprohon FRENCH - 1946
Charles Chaplin
By Pierre Leprohon
Ed Jacques Melot 1946
Paperback Edition
352 Pages - Illustrated

Charles Chaplin
Pierre Leprohon FRENCH - 1957
Charlie Chaplin
By Pierre Leprohon
Nouvelles Editions Debresse 1957
Hardback Edition with Jacket
450 Pages - Illustrated

Pierre Leprohon
Pierre Leprohon FRENCH - 1970
Charlie Chaplin
By Pierre Leprohon
Editions Corymbe 1970
Paperback Edition
410 Pages - Illustrated

FRENCH - 1988
Charles Chaplin
By Pierre Leprohon
Séguier 1988
Paperback Edition
414 Pages - Illustrated

Definitive edition of a book whose first printing was made in 1935 (see above 'Charlot ou la Naissance d'un Mythe')

Jacques Lorcey FRENCH - 1978
By Jacques Lorcey
PAC 1978
Paperback Edition
560 Pages - Illustrated

Jacques Lorcey FRENCH - 1983
By Jacques Lorcey
PAC 1983
Paperback Edition
357 Pages - Illustrated



From the collection of Dominique Dugros. Created by Dominique Dugros, Emeline Charrier
and Linda Wada - A Very Special Thanks to Dominique Dugros for the collection and all his help, as well as help from Emeline Charrier. This section would not have happened without you.

The Chaplin Library was created from the Dominique Dugros Collection.
Information by Dominique Dugros from his collection for use on
The Chaplin Library - Dominique Dugros Collection - Copyright 2005-2016
The Chaplin Library launched July 2005.

Images of covers created from Dominique Dugros collection especially for The Chaplin Library.
Any use other than on the library has not been authorized.

Charlie Chaplin is a trademark of Bubbles Inc. SA used with permission. Charlie Chaplin, Chaplin and the Little Tramp, the images of Chaplin's on this web site and the names of Mr. Chaplin's films are all trademarks and/or services marks of Bubbles Inc. SA and/or Roy Export Company Establishment used with permission.

All other content Copyright 2001 - 2016 - Linda Wada, WadaWorks, All Rights Reserved - launched November 25, 2001