Chaplin Library

Charlie Chaplin French Books - 2

Charlie Chaplin French Library Two
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Chaplin French Book reference created by Dominique Dugros and
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TWO of the French Library Section: M - Z

All information on the books listed are for the books pictured.Some of the links are for books able at Amazon. We placed links for books able at other websites too. Pictured books may not match the bookcovers or available on the links. We will update the pages as new books arrive.
HB - Hardback PB - Paperback
Chaplin Aujourd'hui Joël Magny
FRENCH - 2003
Chaplin Aujourd'hui
By Joël Magny
Petite Bibliothèque des Cahiers du Cinéma 2003
Paperback Edition
288 Pages - No Illustrations

Joël Magny
l'oeil et le mot FRENCH - 2002 (Young Readers)
Charlie Chaplin
L'oeil et le Mot
(the eye and the word)
By Jean-François Martin

Mango Jeunesse 2002
Hardback Edition without Jacket
44 Pages - Illustrated

Marcel Martin FRENCH - 1966
Charlie Chaplin
By Marcel Martin
Seghers n°43 1966
Paperback Edition

188 Pages - Illustrated

FRENCH - 1972
Charles Chaplin
By Marcel Martin
Seghers N°43 1972
Paperback Edition

219 Pages - Illustrated

Marcel Martin FRENCH - 1983
Charles Chaplin
By Marcel Martin
Henry Veyrier 1983
Paperback Edition

200 Pages - Illustrated

Definitive edition of the 1966 and 1972 issues, titled 'CHARLIE CHAPLIN'

Marcel Martin
Thierry-Georges Mathieu Keystones
FRENCH - 1999
La Naissance de Charlot
By Thierry-Georges Mathieu
Ars Régula 1999
Paperback Edition
100 Pages - Illustrated

First issue of a 20-issue series. Here is a link to the official website to find out more about this great series on Keystone.

Charlot Jean Mitry FRENCH - 1957
Charlot et la "Fabulation Chaplinesque"
By Jean Mitry
Editions Universitaires 1957
Paperback Edition
212 Pages - Illustrated

Jean Mitry
Charlot Jean Mitry FRENCH - 1965
By Jean Mitry
Editions Universitaires 1965
Paperback Edition
190 Pages - Illustrated

Jean Mitry FRENCH - 1972
Tout Chaplin
By Jean Mitry
Cinema Club Seghers 1972
Paperback Edition
380 Pages - Illustrated

Jean Mitry
Tout Chaplin FRENCH - 1987
Tout Chaplin
By Jean Mitry
Editions Atlas 1987
Hardback Edition with Jacket
302 Pages - Illustrated

Definitive edition of the 1972 issue.

Claudine Monteil FRENCH - 2001
Les Amants Des Temps Modernes
Oona et Charlie Chaplin

By Claudine Monteil

Edition N°1
Paperback Edition
306 Pages - No Illustrations

Adolphe Nysenholic FRENCH - 1979
L'age d'or du Comique
Sémiologie de Charlot
By Adolphe Nysenholc
Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles 1979
Paperback Edition
278 Pages - No Illustrations

Adolphe Nysenhole FRENCH - 1987
Charles Chaplin ou la Legende des Images
By Adolphe Nysenholc
Méridiens Klincksieck 1987
Paperback Edition
258 Pages - Illustrated

Adolphe Nysenholc
His Reflections on Modern Times FRENCH/ENGLISH - 1991
Charlie Chaplin
His Reflection on Modern Times
By Adolphe Nysenholc
Mouton de Gruyter 1991
Hardback Edition with Jacket
386 Pages - Illustrated

From Amazon:
"Among the 31 essays are presentations from a conference in Paris, April 1989, and invited contributions. The 13 essays in French are abstracted in English in an appendix, as are the ones in English abstracted in French."

Adolphe Nysenholc
Adolphe Nysenholc
FRENCH - 2002
Charlie Chaplin
L'age d'or du comique
By Adolphe Nysenholc
L'Harmattan 2002
Paperback Edition
256 Pages - Illustrated (mainly with drawings)

Adolphe Nysenhole
Robert Payne Le Grand Charlot
FRENCH - 1954
Le Grand Charlot
By Robert Payne
Le Club Français du Livre 1954
Hardback Edition with Jacket
324 Pages - No Illustrations

Robert Payne
movie posters
Charlie Chaplin - Movie Posters
By Israël Perry & Jean-Louis Capitaine
Queen Art Publishers 2005
Hardback Edition with Jacket
128 Pages - No Illustrations

Henry Poulaille FRENCH - 1927
Charles Chaplin
By Henry Poulaille
Grasset 1927
Paperback Edition
236 Pages - Illustrated

Foreword by Paul Morand: "Un Soir Avec Charlot à New York"

Henry Poulaille
Henry Poulaille FRENCH - 1928
Le Grand Charlot
By Henry Poulaille
Grasset 1928
Paperback Edition
236 Pages - Illustrated

Foreword by Paul Morand: "Un Soir Avec Charlot à New York"

Edouard Ramond FRENCH - 1927
La Passion de Charlie Chaplin
By Edouard Ramond
Librairie Baudinière 1927
Paperback Edition
252 Pages - Illustrated

Edouard Ramond
Edouard Ramond FRENCH - (no year listed, presumably 1927)
La Passion de Charlie Chaplin
By Edouard Ramond
Librairie Baudinière Littérature et Art Français
Paperback Edition
252 Pages - Illustrated

An intriguing issue: no mention of the author's name (X.X.X. printed on top of the page) and no mention of any printing year. Inside, the book is exactly the same as the Grasset issue of 1927. (See cover above.)

Mariange Ramozzi-Doreau tome 1 FRENCH - 2003
Charlot au Coeur de L'ecriture
Cinematographique de Chaplin
Tome 1: Le Muet
By Mariange Ramozzi-Doreau
Editions du Céfal (Belgium) 2003
Paperback Edition
232 Pages - No Illustrations

Mariange Ramozzi-Doreau
Mariange Ramozzi-Doreau tome 2 FRENCH - 2003
Charlot au Coeur de L'ecriture
Cinematographique de Chaplin
Tome 2: Le Parlant
By Mariange Ramozzi-Doreau
Editions du Céfal (Belgium) 2003
Paperback Edition
222 Pages - No Illustrations

Mariange Ramozzi-Doreau
Jean Ravennes Chalot FRENCH - 1932
By Jean Ravennes
Nouvelles Librainie Française 1932

Paperback Edition
48 Pages - Illustrated

May Reeves FRENCH - 1935
Charlie Chaplin Intime
By May Reeves & Claire Goll
Gallimard 1935

Paperback Edition
194 Pages - No Illustrations

Carlyle T. Robinson FRENCH - 1933
La Verité Sur Charlie Chaplin
By Carlyle T. Robinson
Mon Ciné 1933

Paperback Edition
255 Pages - No Illustrations

Carlyle T. Robinson
David Robinson FRENCH - 1987
Chaplin, Sa Vie, Son Art
By David Robinson
Ramsay 1987

Hardback Edition with Jacket
550 Pages - Illustrated

First French (and shortened) edition of Robinson's book.

David Robinson
David Robinson FRENCH - 1995
Charlot, Entre Rire et Larmes
By David Robinson
Gallimard Découvertes 1995
Paperback Edition

144 Pages - Illustrated

David Robinson
Chaplin David Robinson French Paperback FRENCH - 2002
By David Robinson
Ramsay Cinéma 2002
Paperback Edition

550 Pages - Illustrated

David Robinson
Jean Vimenet FRENCH - 2000
Une Vie De Chien ou L'Histoire De Charlot
(A dog's life or the story of the Tramp)
By Marthe Romains &Jean Vimenet
Editions Jean Vimenet 2000

Paperback Edition
120 Pages - Comic Book

George Sadoul FRENCH - 1952
Vie De Charlot
By Georges Sadoul
Les Editeurs Français Réunis 1952

Paperback Edition
207 Pages - Illustrated

Charles Spencer Chaplin ses films et son temps.

Georges Sadoul
George Sadoul FRENCH - 1957
Vie De Charlot
By Georges Sadoul
Les Editeurs Français Réunis 1957

Paperback Edition
266 Pages - Illustrated

George Sadoul FRENCH - 1978
Vie De Charlot
By Georges Sadoul
Lherminier 1978 (definitive edition)

Paperback Edition
271 Pages - Illustrated

Charlot Chaplin FRENCH - 1987
Charlot Chaplin
By Catherine Saint Martin
TéArte 1987

Hardback Edition with Jacket
128 Pages - Illustrated

Pierre Smolik FRENCH - 1995
Chaplin Après Charlot
By Pierre Smolik
Champion 1995

Paperback Edition
392 Pages - Illustrated

Foreword by Federico FELLINI

Pierre Smolik
Bertrand Solet FRENCH - 1981
By Bertrand Solet
Duculot (Belgium) 1981

Paperback Edition
143 Pages - Illustrated

Philippe Soupault FRENCH - 1931
By Philippe Soupault
Plon 1931

Paperback Edition
200 Pages - No Illustrations

Philippe Soupault FRENCH - 1957
By Philippe Soupault
Plon 1957

Paperback Edition
210 Pages - Illustrated

Definitive edition

Philippe Soupault
Didier Vallee FRENCH - 1980
By Didier Vallée
Solar 1980

Paperback Edition
65 Pages - Illustrated

Chaplin une vie en images Jeffery Vance FRENCH - 2004
Chaplin, Une Vie En Images
By Jeffrey Vance
Editions de la Martinière 2004

Hardback Edition with Jacket
400 Pages - Illustrated

Superb French edition of Vance's 'Chaplin, Genuis of the Cinema'

Jeffrey Vance
Les Cahiers FRENCH - 1989
Charlie Chaplin
Les Cahiers du Cinéma 1989
Hardback Edition without Jacket
190 Pages - No Illustrations

Coursier sur Vervey FRENCH - 1989
Chaplin, 25 Ans Sur La Riviera Vaudoise
Corsier sur Vevey 1989

Paperback Edition
60 Pages - Illustrated

A tribute to Charles Chaplin by the city where he spent the 25 last years of his life.

Corsier sur Vevey FRENCH - 1989
Chaplin, 25 Ans Sur La Riviera Vaudoise
de Charlie Chaplin
Corsier sur Vevey 1989
Hardback Edition without Jacket
84 Pages - Illustrated



From the collection of Dominique Dugros. Created by Dominique Dugros, Emeline Charrier
and Linda Wada - A Very Special Thanks to Dominique Dugros for the collection and all his help, as well as help from Emeline Charrier. This section would not have happened without you.

The Chaplin Library was created from the Dominique Dugros Collection.
Information by Dominique Dugros from his collection for use on
The Chaplin Library - Dominique Dugros Collection - Copyright 2005-2016
The Chaplin Library launched July 2005.

Images of covers created from Dominique Dugros collection especially for The Chaplin Library.
Any use other than on the library has not been authorized.

Charlie Chaplin is a trademark of Bubbles Inc. SA used with permission. Charlie Chaplin, Chaplin and the Little Tramp, the images of Chaplin's on this web site and the names of Mr. Chaplin's films are all trademarks and/or services marks of Bubbles Inc. SA and/or Roy Export Company Establishment used with permission.

All other content Copyright 2001 - 2016 - Linda Wada, WadaWorks, All Rights Reserved - launched November 25, 2001