August 2014 - Review of the Charlie Chaplin Mutual films

Welcome to Edna's Flash page section!

I have continued add more video and flash pieces on this page. This section does work best with a high speed internet connection. Also, Mac's play more to the correct speed. Windows plays the flash pieces slower, so the music does not match as well.

Click on the one you like to view. You can follow the links on each section for more information and stories. I have changed some of the Edna's Place links for Lita's three newest videos to go back to one special post on Edna's Blog. And I am working on updating the look of this page, so changes are coming this year. So for now, enjoy!

Video Presentation
Latest! August 25, 2014
Review of the Chaplin Mutuals from Arte and Flicker Alley

Taken August 22, 2014 by Linda Wada
Comparison review of the latest updated Chaplin Mutuals Films

Part One - Arte ReviewPart Two - Flicker Alley Review & Comparison

Video Presentation
Fixing my unplayable Forgotten Films of Roscoe Arbuckle
Taken August 24, 2014 - by Linda Wada
DVD repair for a problem appearing on new disc

Disc Cleaning

Video Presentation
Feb. 2014
'Charlie Chaplin's London Statue - New Location'
& Visit to the 'Royal Air Force Museum'

Taken November 2013 by Linda Wada
'Charlie Chaplin's statue at former Leicester Square Park, and now new location.
The London Royal Air Force Museum in Colindale.

Charlie Chaplin London StatueReturn to England Visit 2013

London Royal Air Force MuseumReturn to England Visit 2013

Chaplin Fan Slide Show Presentation
'Charlie in London' photos by Benjamin Robinson
March 2011
'Charlie' in London 2010 with photos by Benjamin Robinson - Slide Show
Taken during a summer trip to London

Charlie in LondonEdna's Place

Video Presentation
November 2010
Chaplin Conference - Oct. 2010 - Zanesville, Ohio
A few moments of the sights and sounds at the conference.

Chaplin ConferenceEdna's Place

PART ONE - My Charlie Chaplin Conference Experience
from travel to conference to after...

Chaplin 2010Edna's Place

Video Presentation
February 2010
The Sea Gull - Revised Third Edition - by Linda Wada
Short video showing a glimpse of the newly printed book.

Third Edition Sea GullEdna's Place

Video Presentation
November 2009
Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum - My first visit - by Linda Wada
Short video of my October 2009 visit.

Niles MuseumEdna's Place

Audio/Video Presentation
August 2009
Video version of interview with Garen Ewing, artist and author of The Rainbow Orchid
12-minute audio/video edited version of my May interview with Garen.

Garen's Rainbow Orchid interview videoEdna's Place

Audio Presentation
July 2009
Edna's Name in French, along with other silent stars - Audio Recording - by Linda Wada
An audio recording with Dominique and Emeline Dugros.

Purviance Name in FrenchEdna's Place

Audio Presentation
May 2009
Linda's interview with Garen Ewing, artist and author of The Rainbow Orchid
Garen's book is available and has been published by Egmont UK

Garen's InterviewEdna's Place

Audio Presentation
February 2009
How to Pronounce Edna's last name - Audio Recording - by Linda Wada
An audio recording I created about Edna's last name.

Purviance pronouncedEdna's Place

Chaplin Fan Slide Show Presentation
July 2008
Special Switzerland Tour by Rainer Mann - Slide Show
A slide show of Charlie Chaplin's home and countryside in Switzerland.

Switzerland TourEdna's Place

Video Presentation
June 2008
The Sea Gull "A Woman of the Sea" video - Quicktime Video
A video introduction to the book by Linda Wada.

The Sea Gull videoEdna's Place

Video Presentation
May 2008
Charlie Chaplin's statue in London, England - Leicester Square - Quicktime Video
A video visit to Leicester Square to see Charlie Chaplin Statue.

Chaplin's statue in LondonEdna's Place

Video Presentation
May 2008
Lita Hill (Edna's grandniece) about her first job - Quicktime Video
This was a job Lita had when she lived with Edna.
Lita lived with Edna Purviance from 1951-1953.

Lita first LA JobEdna's Place

Video Presentation
April 2008
Lita Hill (Edna's grandniece) with a good friend - Quicktime Video
Lita with good friendEdna's Place

Video Presentation
November 2006
4449 - A train Edna could have rode - Quicktime 7 Video
4449 Daylight LocomotiveEdna's Place

Video Presentation
August 2006
Lita Hill (Edna's grand niece) - Behind the Scenes - Quicktime 7 Video
Behind the ScenesLita Hill Story

Video Presentation
Little Movie Tribute - Created in 2000 - Only Seen at Brief Glimpse in 2006
Little Chaplin MovieA Brief Glimpse

Flash Presentations
May 2004 - Madison Gates Purviance
Madison's Animated PageMadison's Story

Flash Presentations
May 2004 - Edna's Lovelock Home
Lovelock Animated PageLovelock Home Story

Flash Presentations
May 2004 - Lovelock Nevada
Lovelock Animated Page 2Lovelock Home Story

Flash Presentations
First one placed on Edna's Site in 2001
Edna's Animated PageCharlie and Edna

Some of the videos are available to see on Edna Olga Purviance YouTube page.


All other content Copyright 2001 -2016 - Linda Wada, WadaWorks, All Rights Reserved