Syd's Hollywood resident at the
Chaplin Film Company.
Postcard Photo courtesy of
Mark Jungheim, webmaster
of Hollywood Time Machine. |

Sydney Chaplin Film List
Films with Edna and Charlie*
Linda Wada - ednapurviance.org
Fatty's Wine Party - 1914
A Submarine Pirate - 1915
Gussle's Day of Rest - 1915
Giddy Gay and Ticklish - 1915
That Springtime Feeling - 1915
Hushing the Scandal - 1915
A Dog's Life - 1918*
The Bond - 1918*
Shoulder Arms - 1918*
No One to Guide Him - 1919
King, Queen, Joker - 1921
Pay Day - 1922*
The Pilgrim - 1923*
Her Temporary Husband - 1923
The Redezvous - 1923
Galloping Fish - 1924
The Perfect Flapper - 1924
Charley's Aunt - 1925
The Man on the Box - 1925
Oh! What a Nurse! - 1926
The Better 'Ole - 1926
The Missing Link - 1927
The Fortune Hunter - 1927
A Little Bit of Fluff - 1928